School Of Simple Living, is an experience based online community dedicated to sovereignty, self-sufficiency, alternative health and self-discovery, and can be the compass on your transformative journey.

Do you aspire for a more self-sufficient and rural lifestyle, growing your own food and being in likeminded community?

#health #food #self-realization #unHomeSchooling

Why School Of Simple Living

What’s inside our Community? Personal Meet-ups online!

  • Enriching monthly workshops…
    …inspiring to grow food and become self-sufficient and that delve into ancient wisdom traditions and alternative health, conscious living, and personal growth 

  • Group calls as a platform to speak directly via Zoom and to interact with me and amongst each other

               In the School Of Simple Living meet-ups you experience the trans-
               formative power of community, connection, and self-reliance
 in a 

               simple non-overwhelming manner


You'll find:

  • A censor-free safe space to discuss topics that are “off limits”

  • Proven Project Management tools and resources to evaluate which land to choose, which growing style to apply, what to grow, what freedom-enabling skill to build


  • Like-minded association that gives you courage, motivation & accountability

  • Empowering guidance from experienced teachers & practitioners a place to get your questions answered in real-time

  • Alternatives to Mainstream media

  • Risk management processes and best practices assess  your personal threats & opportunities and to respond to them timely

  • A specific strategy and plan, plus the dedicated time to work on your dream with focus and intention

  • Being part of the silent revolution that is taking back the power from the institutions. One garden at a time

  • Participate live or watch the recording


Besides the community-meetups


I am offering a series of some of the


most urgently needed mini-courses to


plan and prepare your Simple Living Reset with

 professional Project Management Tools!


Create a Strategy & Plan for your

Simple Living Reset with

 Project Management-Based



  1 Mini-Course Consists of

     4 Workshops over 4 Weeks  !




Dream Home

Where to live and how to find land:

Get a clear plan that brings you closer to finding your happy place.

Define your criterias, brainstorm and evaluate options and create tangible goals in this workshop.


Financial Freedom

Identify abundance blocks.

Identify ways to create passive or remote income and establish a longterm strategy for income, cost and investments.

We speak about finance hacks to pay no tax, invest in silver & crypto.

Set your vision and shift gears.


Own  Food Supply

Define or improve your own food and agriculture systems.

Evaluate your demand for stocked food.

Identify growing and preserving techniques that you want to use.
Set an intention


Reset Plan

Defining your strategic simple living plan and how to involve established tracking tools.

Prepare to move forward in a realistic and doable fashion that sets you up for longterm success.


– Status Quo 
– Vision
– SWOT-Analysis 

– GAP-Analysis

. Migrating / Moving
   – Multicriteria Decision Analysis.

– Buying Land
   – Weighted Ranked Evaluation
    Prompt lists

– Abundance Mindset

– How to stop paying taxes

– How to get out of the 9-5 Hamsterwheel

– Passive Income

– Reducing Costs

– Freelancing / Working Remote

– Landbased business models

– Silver, Gold, Crypto

– Principles and range of self-sufficiency 

– Growing Food
– What to stock; how much to stock – What to grow
– How to grow
– Lazy intelligent growing techniques
– Define your gardening 

– Simple Living Strategy Map – Gap-Analysis – Develop Phases and the 7 Stages of Simple Living – Defining Major Milestones & Acceptance Criteria – Action-planning – SMART Goals – Personal Achievement Compact (PACT)

The Simple Living Reset Mini-Course Planning Series

What are the main features of the mini-courses?

Two Ways to Collaborate


       I will guide you through unclarities and situations in which you are 

       “stuck”, by coaching and supporting your inner process


  2. MENTORING for PROGRESS: At the same time, I do mentor  

       and consult, via guided processes and feedback regarding your 

       evaluations and plans.

Project Management
Once started, you will receive materials and instructions how to use them.
This will happen either during our sessions or in between-sessions.

4 Week Mini-Course
– Land –
Where to live and how to find land

  • Status Quo
  • Vision
  • SWOT-Analysis
  • GAP-Analysis
  • Migrating / Moving
  • Multicriteria Decision Analysis.
  • Buying Land
  • Weighted Ranked Evaluation
  • Prompt lists
  • Get a clear plan that brings you closer to finding your happy place.
  • Define your criterias, brainstorm and evaluate options and create tangible goals in this workshop.
  • Live interaction in Group calls and Q&A’s


4 Week Mini-Course
– Food –
What / How much / How …to grow

  • Principles and range of self-sufficiency
  • Growing Food
  • What to stock; how much to stock
  • What to grow
  • How to grow
  • Lazy intelligent growing techniques
  • Define your gardening
  • Workshops to practically apply best practices, principle, tools and the mindset around:
    – self-reliance,
    – growing food (electroculture, soil, food forests, etc)
    – alternative health
    – home-/unschooling
    – self-realization, meditations
  • Live interaction in Group calls and Q&A’s


4 Week Mini-Course
– Financial Freedom-
Build Abundance

  • Abundance Mindset
  • How to stop paying taxes
  • How to get out of the 9-5 Hamsterwheel
  • Passive Income
  • Reducing Costs
  • Freelancing / Working Remote
  • Landbased business models – Silver, Gold, Crypto
  • Identify abundance blocks
  • Live interaction in Group calls and Q&A’s


4 Week Mini-Course
-Alternative Curriculum- Educate your kids about what matters

  • Workshops to practically apply best practices, principle, tools and the mindset around:
    – self-reliance,
    – growing food (electroculture, soil, food forests, etc)
    – alternative health
    – home-/unschooling
    – self-realization, meditations
  • Live interaction in Group calls and Q&A’s


How it works

– The courses will be scheduled in interaction with the participants in the first week of February

How Long
– Each session will last 2,5 hrs. 

– To achieve better results it is suggested to invest the same amount of time in between sessions

– Receive guidance, frameworks, tools and co-create with your peers to actively prepare, plan and transform!


Join us live OR watch each sessions after they are uploaded..

– We only open doors a few times a year, and limit to 4-8 participants, 
to assure we can nurture the people who are in the School Of Simple Living.

I’ll walk you through the process –


This is not another prerecorded course –

it’s live & interactive!

I will  give you hands-on project management

support and coach you  live.

Why Am I qualified for it ???

YOUR Simple living STEWARD

Ben "Bharat" Berwing

Bharat escaped the 9-5 Hamsterwheel

Leaving a 6 figure-job & 2 companies behind, 2014.
Living Off the Grid from 2 Solar Panels
in Cottages and Motorhomes with his 2 sons Gopal,
Damodar & his better half Ananta.

Travelling and growing, organic Grains in
Fiji, New York, Florida, Germany, and now starting a new adventure in Portugal.

20 years in Business Consulting / Coaching and writing countless Business Plans with Start-Ups, lead Bharat to currently

– teaching Project Management in Online Courses.

At School of Simple Living, Bharat helps citydwellers

and anyone who is sick of the 9-5 life, to embark on a

journey of a Simpler Life without wondering where to

start or what to do next.


4 Week Mini-Course
– Land –
Where to live and how to find land

  • Status Quo
  • Vision
  • SWOT-Analysis
  • GAP-Analysis
  • Migrating / Moving
  • Multicriteria Decision Analysis.
  • Buying Land
  • Weighted Ranked Evaluation
  • Prompt lists
  • Get a clear plan that brings you closer to finding your happy place.
  • Define your criterias, brainstorm and evaluate options and create tangible goals in this workshop.
  • Live interaction in Group calls and Q&A’s


4 Week Mini-Course
– Food –
What / How much / How …to grow

  • Principles and range of self-sufficiency
  • Growing Food
  • What to stock; how much to stock
  • What to grow
  • How to grow
  • Lazy intelligent growing techniques
  • Define your gardening
  • Workshops to practically apply best practices, principle, tools and the mindset around:
    – self-reliance,
    – growing food (electroculture, soil, food forests, etc)
    – alternative health
    – home-/unschooling
    – self-realization, meditations
  • Live interaction in Group calls and Q&A’s


4 Week Mini-Course
– Financial Freedom-
Build Abundance

  • Abundance Mindset
  • How to stop paying taxes
  • How to get out of the 9-5 Hamsterwheel
  • Passive Income
  • Reducing Costs
  • Freelancing / Working Remote
  • Landbased business models – Silver, Gold, Crypto
  • Identify abundance blocks
  • Live interaction in Group calls and Q&A’s


4 Week Mini-Course
-Alternative Curriculum- Educate your kids about what matters

  • Workshops to practically apply best practices, principle, tools and the mindset around:
    – self-reliance,
    – growing food (electroculture, soil, food forests, etc)
    – alternative health
    – home-/unschooling
    – self-realization, meditations
  • Live interaction in Group calls and Q&A’s


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