Dr. Kanika Verma

Dr. Kanika Verma, a doctor in Ayurvedic medicine has a passion for natural healing. Ben and Dr. Verma discuss their personal experiences with Ayurveda and the power of using intuition and the body’s signals to heal. Dr. Verma emphasizes that Ayurveda is not limited to any specific culture or country, but rather belongs to everyone. She also encourages patients to use herbs native to their own region for healing. Additionally, they touch on the importance of breathwork (pranayama) in maintaining health and well-being.

Ben Bharat Berwing shares how he uses conscious breathing as a form of exercise when he’s too tired to do physical activities. Dr. Verma emphasizes the importance of effortless practices in Ayurveda and explains that observing the breath is a form of pranayama. They discuss the principles of Ayurveda, including preserving health, removing restlessness from the mind, and going with the flow of nature. They also mention the importance of following daily and seasonal rhythms for overall well-being. Ben questions the role of viruses in disease according to Ayurvedic principles, while Dr. Verma acknowledges their presence but highlights that they are not always the sole cause of illness.

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