Oto Gomes

Oto Gomes is a successful crypto investor who emphasizes abundance mindset and personal growth. Oto shares his experiences with money management, including excessive spending during a period of financial success. He highlights the importance of one’s relationship with money in determining happiness and stability.

Oto Gomes discusses his struggles with managing money and how it affected his life. He experienced a divorce, lost his house in a fire, and faced health problems. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on relationships, communication, and personal health. Ben shares his own experiences with money and investing in crypto. They discuss the concept of money as energy and the difference between speculation and utilization in the crypto space. Oto Gomes explains that utilizing crypto allows individuals to have control over their finances and create value through various opportunities such as lending or pooling resources for investments. Oto Gomes discusses the relationship between money and power, emphasizing that money should be seen as a tool rather than a representation of one’s worth. He criticizes speculation in trading and highlights its historical connection to war.

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