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2nd summit in the

- series, presented by

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Your Journey Continues Here: This isn’t the end; it’s a new beginning. Seize this opportunity to deepen your understanding, foster connections, and continue your transformation toward a life of simplicity and intention.


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How Do You resist THE GREAT RESET ???

There are many opportunities in all these crisis.

  • Some get their own land and start growing food.
  • Some move to another country where land is more affordable and start working remotely.
  • Some start homeschooling their children which otherwise they would have not.
  • Some make the decision to homeschool their children – instilling in them their values, not thr goverments

This could be you…

Let’s use this Summit to discover what is possible for you and your family. Don’t just survive, but live at the highest level of peace and independence ever!!!

Meet your Host

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Imagine...Your children thriving right on your property, growing, learning, and developing essential life skills and knowledge through an alternative curriculum. They're not just becoming better individuals but also gaining practical skills for the real world.
Picture This... A worls in crisis, where supermarkets stock only genetically modified and insect-enriched food due to supply shortages. Yet, you remain untouched by supply chain disruptions, providing your family with organic, frrsh produce from your garden and preserved goodies from your pantry.
Visualize Financial Freedom... In the midst of hyperflation, you revel in abundance. No worries, no need to leave your property for food in medicine; you're self-sufficient. Your savings are secure in precious metals, and traditional tools stand ready to create income streams I required.
Harness Ancient Wisdom with growing techniques to help you cultivate more with less space and maintenance.
Build Your Dream by purchasing property and constructing your natural dream house for under 50k in less than a year.
Seize Control of Your Destiny with a smooth transition from the tech-driven, system-bound lifestyle. Live life on your unique terms, liberated from the system's constraints.
Ignite Your Passion... As you take these actions, you're revitalizing your health and motivation, dedicating yourself to what truly matters. With more time for what resonates deeply, you're nurturing your soul's yearning for a meaningful life.
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and this is just the beginning
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I can imagine you are tired of the relentless speed of the tech-driven world and the daily stream of news in the media about food, energy, and financial crisis.

  • You feel the constant bombardment of screens and digital noise leaves you anxious and disconnected from “Real Experiences”.


  • You feel the constant rush and urban chaos leaves you yearning for a connection with “Nature”.  You fear in a world driven by materialism, you’re missing out on a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in your daily life.                                   
  • You fear juggling a hectic schedule with little time for reflection, burnouts is imminent and you are missing out on life’s precious moments.             


  • You are concerned about your children’ future. You’ve had enough of the education system that stifles your children’s creativity and the invisible strings society uses to control your actions. The systems you rely on show their true nature.       


  • You are not the only one who is feeling the threat. You stand united with countless others who are fed up with a toxic system and are ready to embrace a real shift in their life.

Ok, now what’s the solution? – a solution to liberate you from those controlling forces.


The “School of Simple Living” – is place where learning and living converge. Your children won’t be confined to four walls; they’ll learn from the natural abundance around them.


This is where you will find the ‘freedom’ you are longing for. You want to live simple and take back control of your life, become more resilient, and foster a profound connection with what truly matters to you.


It won’t be an easy quick fix, but it’s worth the effort.

Start your personal Simple Living Reset on

January 17th, 2024 with us.


WhatsApp Image 2023-11-29 at 12.19.48_fcc832f9
Joel Salatin

Never Understimate The Power Of One:

Cultivating Sustainability to Heal,

Rather Than Hurt

sustainable agriculture

regenerative farming

farm management

local food

Marjory Wildcraft
Marjory Wildcraft

Growing Food Resilience in Turbulent Times



grower’s community

local solution

Curtis Stone

Dispelling Off Grid Illusions and shifting from SHTF-Panic to healthy Urgency




finding land

freedom farming

Micheal Cremo
Michael Cremo

Forbidden Archeology – over-whelming evidences for human 
civilizations Million’s of years ago


darwin alternatives


extraterrestrial life

the knowledge filter

Dr. Lando
Dr. Barre Lando

Beyond Traditional Medice:

Sovereign Communities,

Sovereign Health


health sovereignty

herbel medicine


alfha vedic


image speaker 3
Shawn & Beth Dougherty

The One Cow Revolution :

The Transformative Power of owning


cow conspiracy & nestle


sustainable farming


natural probiotic

super food

Alosha Lynav
Alosha Lynov

Constructing Dream homes with Less: Debt-Free Natural Building



eco village & communities

self-heating homes

architectural autonomy


image speaker 2
Jason Brunson

From Seed to Sovereingty:

Cultivating Independence by

Growing Food as a Rebellious Act

organic seeds

grow food not grass

rebel gardener

organic food

Ulises Guererro
Ulises Guererro

Make Life Very Simple and Solve all economic problems by living The Vedic Way.


natural building

ancient society structure

vedic agriculture

a2 cows

Dr. David Wolf
Dr. David Wolf

Balancing Energy and Consciousness

child protection

mantra meditation

conscious living

body, mind, soul balance

vedic lifestyle

David J. Rodriguez
David J. Rodriguez

Rescuing children from goverment prisons aka schools

shortcut out of college


forced schooling



Dr. Ana Maria Oliva_ProfilePic
Dr. Ana Maria Oliva

Digital Hygiene for your Terrain & ancient wisdom for body, mind and soul



energy healing



Jim Gale

How to Visualize and Manifest an Abundant Future with Food Forests & Decentralized Communities


food forest mission

freedom farm mission

building without permission

Guilherme "Gagandeva" Weishar

Structure, communication, & Interdependence in Thriving Communities

spiritual community

neohumanistic education

syntropic farming

community challenges

Adam & Josh Bigelsen

The role of bacteria, parasites, and fungi in maintaining a healthy terrain

the university of terrain




energy healing

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Eileen Mckusick

Electric Body, Electric Health: Using Sound Vibration to Tune Your Biofield and Raise Your Voltage


sound healing


inner guidance

vibrational medicine

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Ken Sperry

The ElectroCulture Revolution – Cultivating With Nature’s current and harvesting free energy

free energy

ancient abundance

bio geometry

nu atlantis


Paul Wheaton

The Self-Reliance Benefits of the Rocket Mass Heater




Veda Austin

Hidden Intelligence and Messages of Water


art & research

talking to spirit


water cristallography

22_Joel Rafidi_ ProfilePic
Joel Rafidi

Rise Above The Herd

Unlock your True Potential & Walk your Authentic Path Unapologetically

financial empowerment




13_Dr. Ubuntu-
Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan

Luminous Kids & Education — A higher octave of possibility is here

human potential 



education revolution

Chris Trump
Chris Trump

Growing Bacterias to Restore the Mycelia by Ancient Korean Farming Techniques

soil steward



master natural farmer

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Dr Allen Williams

KISS THE GROUND – Soil Health and the principles of Adaptive Stewardship


kiss the ground documentry

understanding ag

regenerative secrets

18_ OtoGomez
Oto Gomes

Abundance needs Inner Work – Insights form a Crypto Teacher



crypto made easy

financial freedom

transactional energy

Raymon Grace
Raymon Grace

Simplifying the Mind – Lessons from a Downsing and Energy Healer

energy healing



positive mind control

Dr. Anika
Dr. Kanika Verma

Ayurvedic perspective on the root of cause of dis-ease and solutions for energy healing



sound vibration


body, mind, soul

Imani and River
Imani Mamalution & River Richardson

Healthy Hemp Homes as Economical Foundation for the Next Generation of Communities

living healthy

building community

natural building


back to land

Lindsay Brandon

Permaculture~ Food Forestry & The Value of Design


Clients Goals

Understanding Zones

Regenerative vs Sustainable

Needs & Yields Analysis

Dominique Fruscella

3 Ways to Simplify Family Life Immediately




family life

Sifu Slim Meadow L Sunset small
Sifu Slim

Enter the Thrive Zone


Katrin Pütz

Mobile BioGas Solution


 Day 1

Jan 17

#Food Freedom

#Self Sufficiency

#Owning Land


The Power of 1



Joel Salatin

From Panic to Urgency


Curtis Stone

Food Resilience 


Marjory Wildcraft

The State of Soil 



Dr. Allen Williams

Ancient Korean Farming


Chris Trump

From Seed to Sovereignty


Jason Brunson

 Day 2

Jan 18

#Natural Building


#Financial Freedom


Healthy Hemp Homes

Imani Mamalution and River Richardson

Constructing Affordable Dream Homes

Alosha Lynov

Abundance needs Inner Work

Oto Gomes

Food Forests & Decentralized Communities

Jim Gale

One Cow Revolution 


Shawn & Beth Dougherty

 Day 3

Jan 19





Digital Hygiene & Ancient Wisdom


Dr. Ana Maria Oliva

Healing Ayurvedic Perspectives


Dr. Kanika Verma

Water’s Hidden Intelligences

Veda Austin

Holographic Blood


Adam & Josh Bigelsen

Electroculture Revolution


Ken Sperry

 Day 4

Jan 20

#Schooling/ education the leaders of tomorrow #community


Balancing Energy & Consciousness


Dr. David Wolf

Rethinking Traditional Education


David J. Rodriguez

Luminous Kids  &   Education

Dr. Edith Ubuntu

Thriving Communities

Guilherme ‘Gagandeva’ Weishar

Sovereign, Healthy Communities


Dr. Barre Lando

 Day 4

Jan 20





Food Forest Abundance Workshop



Lindsay Brandon

14-15:30 GMT

9-10:30 EST

Old World Principles for collective Freedom


Bongani Wilson

16-17:30 GMT

11-12:30 EST

Making a Magnetic Electroculture Antenna

Ken Sperry


18-19:30 GMT

13-14:30 EST

 Day 5

Jan 21

#Spiritual Solutions

#Inner & Consciousness



Forbidden Archeology


Michael Cremo

Tune Your Biofield



Eileen Mckusick

Simplifying the Mind


Raymon Grace

Rise Above the Herd



Joel Rafidi

Simplified Life



Ulises Guererro

 Day 5

Jan 21





Transformation Through Sound Vibration

 Dr. David Wolf

16:30-18 GMT

11:30-13 EST

Self-Reliance Benefits of the Rocket Mass Heater

Paul Wheaton

18-19:30 GMT

13-14:30 EST

The Simple Living Reset

Ben “Bharat” Berwing

19:30-21 GMT

14:30-16 EST

Jan 22

Water’s Hidden Intelligences

Veda Austin

From Panic to Urgency



Curtis Stone

Food Forest Abundance Workshop


Lindsay Brandon

Jan 23

Rise Above the Herd


Joel Rafidi

Food Forests & Decentralized Communities

Jim Gale

Electroculture Revolution


Ken Sperry

Jan 24

Sovereign, Healthy Communities

Dr. Barre Lando

Holographic Blood


Adam & Josh Bigelsen

Old World Principles for collective Freedom


Bongani Wilson

Jan 25

Rethinking Traditional Education

David J. Rodriguez

Simplified Life



Ulises Guererro

Self-Reliance Benefits of the Rocket Mass Heater

Paul Wheaton

Jan 26

Forbidden Archeology


Michael Cremo

Thriving Communities


Guilherme ‘Gagandeva’ Weishar

Balancing Energy & Consciousness


Dr. David Wolf

Jan 26

Enter the Thrive Zone


Sifu Slim

Mobile BioGas Solution



Katrin Pütz

3 Ways to Simplify Family Life Immediately


Dominique Fruscella

LIVE: Preparedness Workshop + Q&A

Ben “Bharat” Berwing 

Start your personal Simple Living Reset on

January 17th, 2024 with us.

Explore the transformative wisdom of our mentors, guiding you on how to:

Meet your Host

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The Summit begins on 17th January 2024 and ends on 21th January 2024.
It will be hosted entirely online. You can join easily from home or your office. All you need is a FREE ticket and an internet connection.

Higher knowledge shouldn’t be hidden but offered for free. We are driven by a profound sense of purpose to dedicate ourselves to freeing people from the shackles of material life and striking back at the matrix with a peaceful revolution.
We strive to spark positive change and inspire participants to integrate the principles of simple living and high thinking into their lives. We envision a world where these values lead to greater freedom and a deeper connection with ourselves, others and the world around us.

Furthermore, we believe in the power of collective wisdom and the impact it can have on individuals and communities. By gathering a dedicated group of seekers and freedom lovers who are passionate about personal growth and intentional living, we create an atmosphere of shared learning and mutual support and manifest an alternative reality.

We apologize for any inconvenience you might be experiencing. If you didn’t get a confirmation email after registering online, here are few things you can do:

  1. Check Spam/Junk: Look in your spam or junk folder. Sometimes, our emails end up there.
  2. Be Patient: Wait a while, as emails can be delayed by technical issues.
  3. Check Email Address: Make sure you typed your email correctly during registration.
  4. Resend Confirmation: If possible, use the resend option on the registration page.
  5. Contact Support: If none of these work, email us at [email protected] with your registration details. We’re here to help!

There will be a mix of recorded sessions and live-events, like purpose-driven workshops.

A few of our speakers will join us live! Keep an eye on your email for more announcement.

After the Live Event, the talks from each day will be available to you free of cost for 24 hours. After the summit, you can purchase the recordings of all sessions. 
We will email you instructions on how to purchase these recordings on our platform. This lets you review the content at your own pace and not miss out on any expert guidance that could be essential in changing your life.

We believe purchasing the Sessions is a fair exchange of energy for time-intensive compilation and years of experience. These sessions are so special. We’re dedicated to offering a complete post-summit experience for ongoing learning and value.

Absolutely! After the summit, you’ll have chances to stay connected with the experts. This could mean following them on social media, joining exclusive webinars, or being part of an online community. Here, you can ask questions, share thoughts, and keep the summit’s discussions going. We’re committed to nurturing these connections and supporting ongoing learning.

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